Do you really need a bespoke software product?

Do you really need a bespoke software product?

OCTOBER 3, 2023


You think you need a bespoke software product, but you don't know if it's the right choice. You've heard that off-the-shelf products come with more features and lower costs, but then again—wouldn't it be better to have something that was tailored to your needs? In this blog post, we'll compare the pros and cons of both approaches so you can make an informed decision about your project.

Off-the-shelf products are cheaper and easier to use.

Off-the-shelf products can be cheaper, easier to use, and more reliable. You can get started quickly without hiring a team of developers or worrying about maintenance or updates. Other companies have already solved the hardest problems, so you don't need to spend time reinventing the wheel.

The tradeoff is that you have to give up some control. You may not be able to customize the product as much, and it may not meet all of your needs. You also need to make sure that the vendor is reliable and trustworthy before signing any contracts.

Custom software is built for your specific needs.

Custom software is built for your specific needs.

Off-the-shelf software is built for everyone. Off-the-shelf products are cheaper to buy and easier to use, but custom software has more flexibility and can be tailored to your particular industry or organization.

If you have a feature backlog, it can be hard to know how much custom software you need.

When you have a large feature backlog, it can be hard to know how much custom software you need. This is because the more features and functionality you want in your product, the longer it will take to build them all. If your team isn't sure what they want and how much custom software they need in order for their users (and themselves) to be happy with their experience using the new system, then there's no way for them to make an informed decision about whether or not they should build something from scratch.

In addition, if there are any unknowns around what needs building - for example: "What if we don't find enough customers?" - then this will always create risk that could lead towards wasted time or even failure when trying out new ideas during development phase; so having clarity around requirements up front helps reduce these risks as well as helping ensure success once launched into production later on down line road map timeline."

If you are building a business with multiple products, then maybe bespoke is the way to go.

If you are building a business with multiple products, then maybe bespoke is the way to go.

You can build a single code base that can be used across multiple products. This means that you don't have to worry about maintaining different versions of your software for each product and it also makes it easier for developers to work on new features and bug fixes because they only have one platform to learn (and therefore less time spent learning).

You can build a brand around your products. It's important for businesses who are selling multiple products to have some sort of consistency between them so users know what kind of experience they will get when using each one. If every product has its own unique look and feel then this won't happen as easily as if all the products were designed by one person/team with similar tastes in design style etc., which leads me onto my next point...

Why would you want to develop a bespoke software product?

There are many reasons to consider developing a bespoke software product.

A bespoke software product can be developed to suit the needs of your business and provide a unique solution that is tailored specifically to your requirements. You have complete control over the design, development and deployment of the software. This means you can make sure it meets all of your needs and requirements before launch.

Custom software can also be developed to match your brand, which means it will look and feel like a seamless extension of your existing marketing materials. This is especially important if you are trying to create an all-encompassing solution that can be accessed on multiple devices such as smartphones or tablets.

In some industries, it's the only viable solution.

There are a number of industries where it's not only the best option but also the only viable solution. If you have a unique product or service, then it makes sense to create a bespoke solution. This is particularly true for companies that sell their products on the basis of their uniqueness--they need to be able to stand out from their competition by offering something completely different.

If your product is unique, then you probably need to build a unique solution instead of choosing off-the-shelf software because doing so will allow you to get more out of what makes each customer special and cater directly to them.

The right decision depends on your goals and circumstances.

The right decision depends on your goals and circumstances.

Every business owner has different needs and challenges, so there's no one-size-fits-all solution to this question. Consider the risks and rewards of both options, as well as what's most important to you: cost savings or flexibility?


There are many reasons why you might want to develop a bespoke software product. You can use off-the-shelf products, but they're not always the right choice. If you have specific needs or goals that require customisation, then this may be the way forward for you. However, it's important to remember that developing a bespoke solution does come with its own set of challenges--and if this isn't something you can handle yourself then maybe off-the-shelf products would be better suited after all!

It can be a difficult decision when deciding which direction to go in with this sort of stuff, at Bytehogs we know all too well on the pros and cons, but we're also experienced enough to help you with the decision - even if that means we don't win your business. Book a free, no-pressure, consultation with our team, we'll gladly walk you through the options that could be available to you.

Ready to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call back. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to start your project.

Clayton Smith
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.