What does frontend and backend development mean?

What does frontend and backend development mean?

JUNE 5, 2023


If you're not in the tech space, or haven't worked with developers in the past, the terms frontend and backend may be completely foreign to you.

But don't worry! A lot of our clients have been in the same position, we'll discuss what they both mean, how they're different but also how they relate to each other.

By the time you've read through this post, you should feel a lot clearer on what the two terms are and be confident that you can contribute if it comes up in any discussions.

Frontend and backend are two main parts of the software development process

Frontend and backend are two main parts of the software development process. Frontend refers to all things related to user interface (UI), including its design, creation, and maintenance. Backend is about data management and communication between frontends and other systems such as databases or APIs.

Frontend is all about user interface(UI)

Frontend is about user interface. Frontend developers are responsible for the visual appearance of a product and how users interact with it.

The frontend is responsible for how your users see things when they interact with a site or app (the interface). This includes things like design and layout, as well as how easy it is for people to use your product without confusion or frustration.

Backend is about data management and communication between multiple users.

The backend is the part of the software that handles the data sent by the client and sends it to the server. It also manages all data that needs to be accessed by multiple users at once, like an online store or social media platform. The backend isn't necessarily visible on a website or application, but it's what makes those things possible in the first place!

Front end frameworks are like a building blocks for front end applications.

Front end frameworks are like a building blocks for front end applications, they are responsible for creating a good looking UI with smooth performance.

To explain this in more detail, let's take an example:

Let's say you want to build an online store that sells books online and your client wants the site to look exactly like Amazon.com does. You can use a CSS framework like Bootstrap (https://getbootstrap.com/) or Foundation (http://foundationstudio.com/) which has all the responsive elements such as buttons and navigation bars already built into it so that you don't have to spend time creating them from scratch every time you want to create something new on your website/application etc., instead just change some settings here or there accordingto requirements before deploying them onto production environment where users will see them rather than wasting time doing everything manually again which takes up too much effort especially when deadlines are tight!

Backend frameworks handle things like request and response in an organized way, they also make sure data sent by the client is received by the server

Backend frameworks handle things like request and response in an organized way, they also make sure data sent by the client is received by the server. Some popular backend frameworks include Express, Koa, Hapi, Meteor and many others.

Some server-side programming languages include NodeJS (JavaScript), Java, PHP, Python or Ruby on Rails.

Backend frameworks are used to create APIs, web applications and websites. They are used by developers to make their lives easier and handle the more complex parts of developing a website or software application.

A good example of this is say you have a simple login form, so your users would enter their email address and their password. The client (the web browser) would make a HTTPS request to the backend sending the email and password for the server to verify that:

  1. The email address exists in the database

  2. The supplied password matches the password stored in the database for that user

The backend will respond to the client and either confirm that the information is good and the user can login, or reject the request and give a reason, such as the password was incorrect.


The frontend and backend are two main parts of the software development process. They work together to create a good looking UI with smooth performance. The frontend is all about user interface while the backend is responsible for data management and communication between multiple users

The good news is, even if you're now a pro at understanding the differences between frontend and backend, the team at Bytehogs really get it, so if you're looking at getting a product developed speak to us, we can help navigate the world of product development and help you bring your ideas to life.

Ready to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call back. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to start your project.

Toby Saunders
Software Engineer
Toby joined Bytehogs in 2022, kick-starting his career in software. Since joining he's worked on 5+ projects across multiple tech stacks and clients. His passion for software engineering helps us to deliver for clients like never before.
Toby joined Bytehogs in 2022, kick-starting his career in software. Since joining he's worked on 5+ projects across multiple tech stacks and clients. His passion for software engineering helps us to deliver for clients like never before.