Understanding specifications, user stories and acceptance criteria

Understanding specifications, user stories and acceptance criteria

As an entrepreneur, it's your job to build the right product. You can't afford to waste time or money building the wrong one. To get it right, you need a clear understanding of what your users need and how they'll use your product. This is where specifications come in: they're requirements for a feature that must be met before development can begin on that feature. User stories help us write down those specs in short sentences with enough detail to understand what needs doing and why. Acceptance criteria are conditions that must be met before we consider a user story complete.


Specifications are detailed descriptions of what a feature should do. They're written with the user in mind, so you'll often find that specifications are written in the first person. This can be helpful when working on them as it helps you relate to the person who would use them.

The purpose of specs is to ensure that everyone building the product knows what they're working on, and how it will interact with other features and parts of the system. Good specs help reduce misunderstandings between team members, which in turn reduces bugs and unexpected results when it comes time for testing or QA.

When writing specs there are two main things you need to keep in mind: clarity and completeness. Clarity means being able to explain exactly what goes into each specification without confusing anyone who might read through them later (including yourself). Completeness means listing all possible scenarios around your feature—whether they're positive use cases ("what happens if this happens?") or negative ones ("what happens if this doesn't happen?").

User stories

User stories are short, high-level descriptions of features. They should be written from the perspective of your users and focus on the benefit to them rather than how you will build it.

A good user story should be easy to understand and estimate so that you can easily know how much time it will take to implement. If they are too complex or long, they become harder to get right, which leads to bugs in your application—and nobody wants that!

User stories can be written in a few different ways. The simplest way is to write the story as a sentence that starts with “As a [type of user], I want [a specific outcome].” For example, if you are building an app for people who like to take photos, you might write something like this: "As a Photographer, I want to be able to upload up to 10 images in a post to my profile".

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria is a formal way of stating what you’re trying to achieve with your product. They are derived from the requirements for each user story, and they should be written before you start building anything. Acceptance criteria can be used to test whether a user story has been implemented properly, but they also provide some extra value in terms of time management and communication.

The first benefit is that specifying acceptance criteria helps you figure out how much work you need to do before something is ready for testing or delivery (if it’s not ready yet). The second benefit is that writing acceptance criteria forces you to think about all possible scenarios where the feature could fail or cause problems—this will make it easier for someone else (such as QA) later on because they won't have any surprises when they test your software product.


In this article, you learned that specifications, user stories and acceptance criteria are all part of the software development process. They each have their own distinct roles to play in defining what the software should do and how it should do it.

In summary:

  • A specification defines the requirements at a high level. It describes how a product or service should be used by its users. It does not specify how to implement these requirements but rather provides instructions for building such an implementation based on other documents (such as user stories).

  • A user story is a short description of some functionality that has been identified as necessary for delivering value to customers or end users. User stories can be implemented using Agile development methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban; however they may also be used outside these methods if your project is not following an Agile approach. An acceptance criterion describes what constitutes acceptable completion of work performed against a use case (or other types) written in terms of "As-Is" and "Should Be" conditions.

Specifications, user stories and acceptance criteria are all important to software development. They should be used together to create the best product possible. The specification is a document describing how the system will work and how it will be tested. User stories describe what functionality users want from the system or feature, while acceptance criteria are conditions that must be met in order for an item or feature to be considered complete. Together these three tools help developers understand what needs to be built and make sure it works as expected before releasing it into production.

How Bytehogs can help you

Bytehogs can help you to develop software that meets your business needs and works as expected. Our team of experts will work with you to create an accurate specification document that describes how the system will work and how it will be tested. We’ll then work with our software development team to build your product based on this specification document. Once we’ve built your product, our software testers will work with you to test the system so that they can ensure it meets your business needs. After we’ve tested it, we’ll release it into production and monitor its performance over time. Bytehogs has helped companies like yours build software that works as expected and meets their business needs. We can help you too!

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Contact us via email or schedule a call back. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to start your project.

Clayton Smith
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.