What is a web app and how is it different from a website?

What is a web app and how is it different from a website?

OCTOBER 6, 2023

Web apps are a type of software that lives on the internet, and they can be used right in your browser. You probably use web apps all the time without realizing it: Gmail, Facebook, Deliveroo — all popular web apps. The definition of a web app is pretty simple: it's any piece of software that runs within your browser and doesn't require a download onto your computer or mobile device. However, there are some key differences between websites and web apps that make them more suited for certain tasks than others.

What is a web app?

A web app is a program that runs inside your web browser. It's basically a website with an added layer of functionality, which means you can interact with it in the same way you would any other program on your computer or phone: by clicking buttons, typing text and selecting options from drop-down menus.

A good example would be Deliveroo, their web app allows customers to search and order food from a number of restaurants they have signed up, each customer would see a different set of restaurants depending on where they are and can place their own orders which only they can see and manage.

A web app is a program that runs inside your web browser.

A web app is a program that runs inside your web browser. You don't need to download any software or install it on your computer; all you have to do is visit the website with the web app and use it.

A good example of this is Gmail, which allows users to send and receive email from their browsers rather than having to download an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird. Web apps can be used for many things including creating business portals, dashboards, product catalogs and eCommerce stores.

Static websites vs. dynamic web apps.

Web apps are software programs that run on the web. They're different from desktop or mobile applications because they use a browser to run. Web apps may be built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies (e.g., React). Web apps, also allow your website to be personalised to your customers/users, think about Facebook, every time you log in the content is different and bespoke, just for you.

Static websites are more traditional, and are updated manually by developers when there's new content or an update to the website design/functionality (e.g., changing the background color of a page) - for example the Bytehogs website you're on right now is an example of a static website. Dynamic web apps use server-side languages like React or NextJs to dynamically generate content on each visit instead of requiring manual updates by their creators; this makes them faster than static sites in most cases because they don't have to download any files every time someone visits them--they load up instantly!

Web apps can help you and your business stay relevant in the digital marketplace by providing fresh content on demand

Web apps are a great way to keep your business relevant in the digital marketplace by providing fresh content on demand. They're like websites with an added layer of functionality that makes them more dynamic and interactive.

Web apps can be updated on the fly, so they reflect current information about what's going on with your company or organization. They can also be used as a marketing tool to promote your business, as well as an easy portal into what you do when someone wants to learn more about it--or even just check out some photos from recent events!

Web apps vs. native mobile apps.

Web apps are more accessible than native apps.

Because they run on the web, they can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. You don't have to download anything or go through an app store approval process--just open your browser and you're there! This also makes them much cheaper to maintain than native mobile apps, which require updates every time Apple or Google releases a new version of their operating systems (iOS and Android). Additionally, web apps can often be updated more quickly than native mobile applications because all changes need only be made once in one place: the codebase for hosting your site online (for example on GitHub).

Web apps are like websites with an added layer of functionality.

Web apps are like websites with an added layer of functionality. They can be accessed through a browser, but they have more features than a typical website.

Web applications are often built in HTML5 or JavaScript and can be accessed from mobile devices as well as from desktop computers. Web apps differ from traditional software programs because they don't require installation on your computer; they run within the web browser itself (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.), so you don't need to download anything before using them.


Web apps are a great way to add functionality to your website, and they're easy to create. They can be used for anything from managing tasks and notes on your phone or tablet to shopping online without having to download an app store first.

You might need a website if you only want to present your business online so that your customers can learn more about you and get in touch with you; or you might need a web app if you're looking to build a product/service for your customers to use online. Sometimes, you might need both.

Whether you need a website or a web app, the Bytehogs team can help you with either, get in touch with our team and we'll help you determine exactly what you need and a comprehensive plan to get you there in no time.

Ready to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call back. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to start your project.

Clayton Smith
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.
After 10 years of experience in software engineering across a variety of industries and projects, Clayton decided to build Bytehogs. His focus has always been to ensure that clients get the best possible product, whilst keeping within budgets and timeframes.