Talia | Case Studies - Bytehogs

Talia: make your future fairer

The Purpose

It may shock you to know that women typically retire with 40% less than men. The team over at Talia didn't think this was right and decided to do something about it.

They want to bring a new pension product to the market to make it fairer for women, as well as addressing some additional ethical aspects that pensions usually overlook.

But before Talia can do that, they need to gain traction and interest from their target market. After all, there's no point having a great product if no one will use it.

Where Bytehogs helped

The Bytehogs engineering team stepped in to work side-by-side with the Talia executive and design team to produce an MVP mobile app using React Native. This MVP product contains a calculator to indicate how much more they need to contribute per month to be on track for their target lifestyle in retirement. We also built a dynamic 'fake chatbot' to provide pension 'lessons' so that people can learn more about pensions in bite-sized, easy-to-consume chunks.

The lessons are really cool, they allow the Talia team to create pre-defined responses for the users to tap which can change the narrative of the content, we also built it so that users can input their information and we use data from the calculator to provide personalised responses in the lessons.

Considering that users are inputting personal information into the application, we protected the app by utilising biometrics; If the user's device supports this and the user chooses to enable it, every time they open the app we'll prompt them to use Face-Id, Fingerprint or enter a passcode to gain access to the app. Similar to how banking apps work.

What's next?

Bytehogs is continuing to support the Talia team with the ongoing support of the MVP; this has involved weekly deployments to improve the product, adjust and add features as they gather crucial feedback from their users.

Talia is still gaining traction with their target audience, and once they have enough users they'll be able to proceed with bringing the full product to market.

Bytehogs will work with Talia to bring the full product to the market and beyond. Our engineering team has extensive knowledge of the current MVP which best places us to extend it further, and our in-house design team can support the Talia design team on the product's UI and UX, as well as produce graphics and animations that can be used in the app.

Check Talia out for yourself

Use the links below to find out more about Talia, or to download the Talia app and take action about your future!

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