Fixed Price MVP For £27,999 + VAT | Bytehogs

Fixed-Price MVP Programme



Our world-class MVP programme.

Get product support, breathtaking designs and bespoke software development all for one fixed price.

Let’s bring your concept to life

The hardest part of building something new is going from nothing to something. 
0 to 1. 
A to B. 
We know, we’ve done it enough times.

You have an idea, a budget and the drive to make it happen…but where do you start? Gosh, you’ve probably spoken to a dozen people who think the idea is crazy, and a dozen more who think it’s better than sliced bread.

At Bytehogs, we’ve done the hard yards to turn ideas into reality a dozen times over. Be it software, app, platform, website or e-commerce. Our team has all the skills to make your concept real. And, most importantly… we know how it feels to bring a startup to launch.

What is a Minimum Viable Product?

A Minimum Viable Product (which all the cool kids call an MVP) is just a fancy way of saying building something small so you can see if people like it. 

We have decades of experience in building MVPs for both startups and enterprises. So we can work with you to test your concept, and give it the best possible foundation to build into a great company.

We work with a great team of strategists, analysts, marketers and designers  - we can help you with all the questions you’re too scared to ask your investors.

How does Bytehogs do MVPs?

Our goal is simple. 
1. Build something quickly, 
2. Give you all the tools to see if users love it.

… it’s the starting point of any well-loved product. 

Our fixed-price package will allow you to kick-start your project and bring it to life without worrying about hidden costs. It includes:

1/2 day - Scoping Workshop
UI Designs with 1 round of revision
Rigorous Quality Assurance
1 Month Free Support
Up to 2 weeks - Scoping and Design
Up to 4 Weeks - Development
Go-Live / Launch 🎉

And we never, ever, ever, ever will take ownership of your IP.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need more of your time?

That's no problem at all, when we start working together we'll share our rate card with you. If you need any further work beyond the fixed-price scope, you'll only pay for what you use.

What about hosting and ongoing support?

Hosting and ongoing support (beyond the complimentary 1 month) are not part of the fixed-price MVP programme, however we won't leave you high and dry! We use AWS to host the majority of our client's projects, once we have your MVP scoped we can outline an appropriate hosting solution and the associated costs - most of our clients pay around £50 - £100 per month for hosting.

Can my MVP be a web and mobile app?

In the MVP programme, you get up to 4 weeks of development effort. Our most successful startups keep it minimal in the beginning, choosing to focus on one or the other, although the decision is entirely up to you.

Ready to get started?

Use the form below, or book a consultation call directly to kick-start your project today!

Get started now!

Get in touch today, we could be kicking off your new MVP project in as little as 7 days from now!